Earlier this year while I was assessing things in my life, like I think we all were at the beginning of the US impact from the Covid-19 pandemic. I was looking at my life and day-to-day and realized that outside of our family events and work, I didn't have things to do for enjoyment or to challenge myself. To say that was depressing is an understatement. I realized that my hobby was extra work and my free time that was left was spent at my children's sporting events. I needed to find some things for me to do that would occupy my mind and fill time with things that I enjoyed that weren't work or children. I decided to pick up a few hobbies like blogging, home tech(IoT and 3D printing), and woodworking.

My hope is that I can get better at blogging by writing about my exploits with home tech and woodworking. I hope that you enjoy going down this road with me, and will join me along the way. I look forward to hearing opinions, thoughts, and even recommended improvements.